I have been to some pretty awesome places. I've also had some pretty miserable travel companions. Ok, I've
been a miserable travel companion-more times than I care to admit-but I've also had some great ones and made some cherished memories. Learning from my mistakes and others' I think I'm on my way to being the ideal travel companion (unless you're Dr. Sheldon Cooper in which case nobody can please you anyway). Allow me to share my wisdom. ;)
1. Always be positive. Keep small stuff in perspective and look for the adventure and growing experience in big hitches. Easier said than done but if you determine within yourself not to let anything ruin the experience for you...the world is your oyster. A trip is only as good as the attitudes of the people making it.
2. Be honest. If something is bothering you, speak up kindly and with humor, and offer a trade or compromise. Never ask for something without offering something in return. ("If you'll stop picking your nose in public, I'll stop serenading you in elevators.")Watch out for male family members though. I have a pet peeve about people whistling in the car which my dad does a lot. I've never told him because I'm pretty positive he would do it on purpose. Instead I just take a deep breath and ask him something about soccer (his passion). We've had some pretty great conversations that way.
3. Take pictures of your fellow travelers. I can't tell you how often I've been the only one who took pictures and at the end of the trip was the only one without any good pictures of myself to share on facebook. Depressing!
4. Don't mooch. Asking for something once in an 'I can't believe I forgot that' emergency is fine, but if it's something you'll need to use repeatedly (phone charger, contact solution) you need to buy a replacement for yourself. And don't ask to borrow money; budget for yourself before you leave and if there's something you can't afford, you can't afford it. I've had people ask to borrow money from me while traveling and then I had to go without because they failed to budget properly. Talk about breeding resentment. I've also been the one who needed to borrow stuff, once is about all you'll get before nobody wants to talk to you anymore.
5. Share things. Conversely, it's a great idea to pack one blow-dryer between you or trade accessories. Just talk it out beforehand so nobody is surprised into resentment.
6. Take care of yourself. Know your own limits and protect them. If you need a nap in the middle of the day, take one! Emotional and physical health are very fragile when traveling, it is your job to protect them. Don't expect others to do it for you because in their efforts to protect their own boundaries they will actually be more abrasive than normal.
7. Be understanding. If your travel buddy goes at a slower pace than you, remember that everybody has different needs and that you don't have to spend every second together. Do something by yourself while they recharge/read every. flippin. sign. Or if they're being easily miffed, give them some space. It'll pass.
8. Pack light. No, duh. But really, think about how inconsiderate it is to take up more than your share of car space, or to slow everybody down because your twelfth bag hasn't come off the plane yet. You should be able to manage everything you packed by yourself and be able to walk a mile/up two flights of stairs with it. That's probably what you'll have to do at your destination.
9. Be punctual. This goes hand-in-hand with the above. I have a sister who is notorious for both of these. Trust me, you do
not want to be that person.

10. Be an Improv-er. You know Improv? That delightful aspect of Theatre that lends itself so well to comedy? What's the only rule in Improv? Never say 'no;' if you absolutely must then say 'or instead we could...' Travel is about stretching yourself and trying new things anyway, so don't be a wet blanket. I tried Henna for the first time in October and it's a new personal favorite! Furthermore, if you have fun suggestions and (Improv) games ready whenever there's a dull spot then you'll become the most sought-after travel buddy in the realm! This is one of my best friend's, who's superhero name is
Thunderthighs (someone called her that one day even though she's a size 6 and rather than be offended she ran with it), super powers, but I'm learning from her. :) On my most recent road trip I packed Bananagrams, a table game that's like a cross between scrabble and cross-word puzzles. We were just blah one evening when we went to dinner and were afraid the wait was going to be horrendous. I whipped out my little game and suddenly we were the hot spot of the restaurant. Everybody wanted to know what we were playing!
Have fun, be fun, don't be a baby, and enjoy your journey. Traveling is a gift. :)
Did I miss anything that would make me the perfect travel buddy for you? Be sure to let me know in the comments!